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$80 per/month - 1 class/week
  $160 per month - 2 classes/week
  $240 per month - 3 classes/week

 $25 Single Class
$225 - Princess Camp

​Class tuition is divided into nine equal payments
from Sept-May, regardless of the number of classes
in the month (Dec is always a short month and tuition is still due in full).

mtpballet school: For Class tuition and dance wear
mtpballet company: For Company dues
Recurring bank draft:
Set up payment to either of the following accounts 
MPSPA - School tuition 
MPPAC - Company membership dues  
Have bank mail all checks to the following address: 
c/o Larisa Dahabi 
1504 Cypress Point Drive
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466

Cash or Check

School Tuition - payable to MPSPA
Company Membership - Payable to MPPAC
Dance Wear - payable to Larisa Dahabi


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*Monthly payments are due the 1st week of the month.

*A late fee in the amount of $10 will be applied after the 15th of the month.

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